The Icelandic-Chinese Trade Council

Basic information in English

The Icelandic-Chinese Trade Council (ÍKV) is business organization of about 70 companies from various sectors of the economy. It was founded in 1995 and its activities have since flourished.

The main objective and role of the Council is to promote trade between Iceland and China. This includes organizing trips for Icelandic companies to product exhibitions in China as well as receiving Chinese trade delegations to Iceland. The council also provides companies with information and advice for commencing business in China. The Council serves as an intermediary in forming business relationships and facilitating exchanges between companies and government in both countries.

ÍKV’s main partner in China is the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). ÍKV has also signed a letter of intent for increased cooperation with the China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce, CFNA.

Currently members of ÍKV are roughly 50 companies from various sectors of the economy. The annual fee is ISK 30,000, but ISK 15,000 for smaller companies, with a turnover of less than ISK 50 million. Those interested are encouraged to sign up for membership at the bottom of this page.


ÍKV’s operations are multifaceted:

  • ÍKV has organized Chinese product exhibitions in Iceland.
  • ÍKV has organized successful trips to the Canton Exhibition and other product exhibitions and trade fairs in China.
  • ÍKV celebrates Chinese New Year annually.
  • ÍKV organizes regular seminars on trade between Iceland and China. ÍKV organizes B2B seminars between Icelandic and Chinese companies.
  • Many Chinesetrade delegations are welcomed annually.

ÍKV has among other things organized conferences to explore the possibilities of:

  • Investments in China
  • Co-operation in the aluminum industry in China
  • Tourism: Are there new opportunities for Icelandic tourism in China?


Managing Director: Ólafur Stephensen



Jónína Bjartmarz, Managing Director of OK; Our women in China ehf., Chairman

Ársæll Harðarson, Director of Sales and Marketing at Icelandair

Einar Rúnar Magnússon, director of business development at Arctic Green Energy

Jóhann Y. Xiang, Managing Director of Asiais Ltd.

Stefán Sigurður Guðjónsson, CEO John Lindsay

Íslensk – kínverska viðskiptaráðið
Hús verslunarinnar
Kringlunni 7
103 Reykjavík
+354 5888910
[email protected]

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